Welcome! You are currently not logged in. In order to access any Illustris[TNG] data, you need to first Login.
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The web-based interface (API) can respond to a variety of user requests and queries, and can be used in addition to, or in place of, the download and local analysis of large data files. At a high level, the API allows a user to search, extract, visualize, and analyze. In each case, the goal is to reduce the data response size, either by extracting an unmodified subset, or by calculating a derivative quantity.

This page has three sections: getting started guide, cookbook, reference.

We provide examples of accessing the API in a few languages. Select one to show all the content on this page specifically for that language.

Note! IDL v8.2+ required, for the json_parse() function. Otherwise, you will have to parse JSON responses yourself.

Note! Matlab needs some help. In particular, the JSONlab and urlread2 packages are required.

API Getting Started Guide

First, start up your interface of choice and define a helper function, whose purpose is to make a HTTP GET request to a specified URL ("endpoint"), and verify that the response is successful. If the response type is JSON, then automatically decode it into a dict-like object.

import requests

baseUrl = 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/'
headers = {"api-key":"INSERT_API_KEY_HERE"}

def get(path, params=None):
    # make HTTP GET request to path
    r = requests.get(path, params=params, headers=headers)

    # raise exception if response code is not HTTP SUCCESS (200)

    if r.headers['content-type'] == 'application/json':
        return r.json() # parse json responses automatically
    return r
IDL> baseUrl = 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/'

function get, path, params=p
  headers = 'api-key: INSERT_API_KEY_HERE'

  oUrl = OBJ_NEW('IDLnetUrl')
  oUrl->SetProperty, headers=headers
  query = ''
  if n_elements(p) gt 0 then begin
    if ~isa(p,'hash') then p = hash(p) ; optionally convert struct input
    foreach key,p.keys() do query += strlowcase(key) + '=' + str(p[key]) + '&'
    query = '?' + strmid(query,0,strlen(query)-1)
  r = oUrl->Get(url=path+query,/buffer)
  oUrl->GetProperty, content_type=content_type
  if content_type eq 'json' then r = json_parse(string(r))
  return, r
>> baseUrl = 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/';
>> function r = get_url(url,params)
>>   header1 = struct('name','api-key','value','INSERT_API_KEY_HERE');
>>   header2 = struct('name','accept','value','application/json,octet-stream');
>>   header = struct([header1,header2]);
>>   if exist('params','var')
>>     keys = fieldnames(params);
>>     query = '';
>>     for i=1:numel(keys), query = strcat( query, '&', keys(i), '=',  num2str(params.(keys{i})) );, end
>>     url = strcat(url, '?', query);
>>     url = url{1};
>>   end
>>   [r,extras] = urlread2(url, 'GET', '', header);
>>   if ~extras.isGood, error(['error: ' num2str(extras.status.value) ' ' extras.status.msg]);, end
>>   if extras.firstHeaders.('Content_Type') == 'application/json', r = loadjson(r);, end
>> end
julia> TODO

Issue a request to the API root.

>>> r = get(baseUrl)
IDL> r = get(baseUrl)
>> r = get_url(baseUrl);

The response is a dictionary object with one key, "simulations", which is a list of N (currently 18 in this example) available runs:

>>> r.keys()

>>> len(r['simulations'])
IDL> r.keys()

IDL> r['simulations'].count()
>> r
r = 
    simulations: {1x18 cell}

Print out all fields of the first, as well as the names of all eighteen.

>>> r['simulations'][0]
{'name': 'Illustris-1',
 'num_snapshots': 134,
 'url': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/'}
>>> names = [sim['name'] for sim in r['simulations']]
>>> names
IDL> ( r['simulations'] )[0]
    "name": "Illustris-1",
    "num_snapshots": 134,
    "url": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/"

IDL> names = list()
IDL> foreach sim,r['simulations'] do names.add, sim['name']
IDL> names
>> r.('simulations'){1}
ans = 
             name: 'Illustris-1'
             num_snapshots: 134
             url: 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/'
>> names = {}
>> for i=1:numel(r.('simulations')), names{i} = r.('simulations'){i}.('name');, end
>> names
names = 
  Columns 1 through 18

    'Illustris-1'    'Illustris-1-Dark'    'Illustris-2'    'Illustris-2-Dark'
    'Illustris-3'    'Illustris-3-Dark'    'Illustris-1-Subbox0'    'Illustris-1-Subbox1'
    'Illustris-1-Subbox2'    'Illustris-1-Subbox3'    'Illustris-2-Subbox0'
    'Illustris-2-Subbox1'    'Illustris-2-Subbox2'    'Illustris-2-Subbox3'
    'Illustris-3-Subbox0'    'Illustris-3-Subbox1'    'Illustris-3-Subbox2'

We see the three resolution levels of Illustris, the three dark matter only runs, and the four subboxes per "full physics" run, as expected. Each entry has only three fields: name, num_snapshots, and url. We can retrieve the full metadata for a particular simulation by submitting a request to the specified url.

Additional simulations.

Note that you will now also see the three baryonic runs for TNG100, the three baryonic runs of TNG300, the six corresponding dark matter only analogs, and several subboxes for each baryonic run.

Let's look at Illustris-3 by determining which entry in r it is, then requesting the url field of that entry.

>>> i = names.index('Illustris-3')
>>> i

>>> sim = get( r['simulations'][i]['url'] )
>>> sim.keys()
>>> sim['num_dm']
IDL> i = names.where('Illustris-3')
IDL> i

IDL> sim = get( r['simulations',i,'url'] )
IDL> sim.keys()

IDL> sim['num_dm']
>> [~,i] = ismember('Illustris-3',names)
i =
>> sim = get_url( r.('simulations'){i}.('url') );
>> fieldnames(sim)
ans = 
>> sim.('num_dm')
ans =

Notice how we do not actually need to construct the URL by hand.

This is in general true: whenever an API response refers to another resource or endpoint, it does so with an absolute URL, which can be directly followed to retrieve that resource. Meaning, that there is no need to know the structure of the API in order to navigate it.

In this case, we could have seen from the reference table at the bottom of this page, that the endpoint which retrieves the full metadata for a given simulation is /api/{sim_name}/. Therefore, we could manually construct the URL www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/ and send a request. Alternatively, we can simply follow the url field that we already have to arrive at the same place.

Next, get the snapshot listing for this simulation.

>>> sim['snapshots']

>>> snaps = get( sim['snapshots'] )
>>> len(snaps)
IDL> sim['snapshots']

IDL> snaps = get( sim['snapshots'] )
IDL> snaps.count()
>> sim.('snapshots')
ans =

>> snaps = get_url( sim.('snapshots') );
>> numel(snaps)
ans =

There are 136 total snapshots, inspect the last one, which corresponds to $z=0$.

>>> snaps[-1]
{'num_groups_subfind': 121209,
 'number': 135,
 'redshift': 2.2204460492503099e-16,
 'url': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/'}
IDL> snaps[-1]
    "number": 135,
    "redshift": 2.2204460492503099e-16,
    "num_groups_subfind": 121209,
    "url": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/"
>> snaps{end}
ans = 
                number: 135
              redshift: 2.2204e-16
    num_groups_subfind: 121209
                   url: [1x70 char]
>> snaps{end}.('url')
ans =

Retrieve the full meta-data for this snapshot.

>>> snap = get( snaps[-1]['url'] )
>>> snap

{'files': {'groupcat': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/files/groupcat-135/',
           'snapshot': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/files/snapshot-135/'},
 'filesize_groupcat': 114056740.0,
 'filesize_rockstar': 0.0,
 'filesize_snapshot': 23437820660.0,
 'num_bhs': 33582,
 'num_dm': 94196375,
 'num_gas': 87571556,
 'num_groups_fof': 131727,
 'num_groups_rockstar': 0,
 'num_groups_subfind': 121209,
 'num_stars': 4388167,
 'num_trmc': 94196375,
 'number': 135,
 'redshift': 2.2204460492503099e-16,
 'simulation': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/',
 'subhalos': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/',
 'url': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/'}
IDL> snap = get( snaps[-1,'url'] )
IDL> snap
    "simulation": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/",
    "number": 135,
    "redshift": 2.2204460492503099e-16,
    "num_gas": 87571556,
    "num_dm": 94196375,
    "num_trmc": 94196375,
    "num_stars": 4388167,
    "num_bhs": 33582,
    "num_groups_fof": 131727,
    "num_groups_subfind": 121209,
    "num_groups_rockstar": 0,
    "filesize_snapshot": 23437820660.000000,
    "filesize_groupcat": 114056740.00000000,
    "filesize_rockstar": 0.0000000000000000,
    "url": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/",
    "subhalos": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/",
    "files": {
        "snapshot": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/files/snapshot-135/",
        "groupcat": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/files/groupcat-135/"
>> snap = get_url( snaps{end}.('url') )
snap = 
             simulation: 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/'
                 number: 135
               redshift: 2.2204e-16
                num_gas: 87571556
                 num_dm: 94196375
               num_trmc: 94196375
              num_stars: 4388167
                num_bhs: 33582
         num_groups_fof: 131727
     num_groups_subfind: 121209
    num_groups_rockstar: 0
      filesize_snapshot: 2.3438e+10
      filesize_groupcat: 114056740
      filesize_rockstar: 0
                    url: [1x70 char]
               subhalos: [1x79 char]
                  files: [1x1 struct]

In addition to numeric meta-data fields such as num_gas at this snapshot, we have the url field, describing the location of this particular snapshot, which is exactly the URL which we just requested. The simulation links back to the parent simulation which owns this snapshot, while subhalos links deeper, to all the child subhalos which belong to this snapshot. Finally, the files dict contains entries for all "raw file" downloads available specifically for this snapshot. These are the same links you will find embedded in the wget commands for snapshot 135 on the Illustris-3 Downloads page.

Request and inspect the subhalos endpoint.

>>> subs = get( snap['subhalos'] )
>>> subs.keys()
['count', 'previous', 'results', 'next']

>>> subs['count']

>>> subs['next']

>>> len(subs['results'])
IDL> subs = get( snap['subhalos'] )
IDL> subs.keys()

IDL> subs['count']
IDL> subs['next']

IDL> subs['results'].count()
>> subs = get_url( snap.('subhalos') );
>> fieldnames(subs)
ans = 

>> subs.('count')
ans =

>> subs.('next')
ans =

>> numel(subs.('results'))
ans =

The response is a paginated list of all Subfind subhalos which exist at this snapshot. The default page size is 100 elements, this can be overridden by specifying a limit parameter.

>>> subs = get( snap['subhalos'], {'limit':220} )
>>> len(subs['results'])

>>> subs['next']

>>> subs['results'][0]
{'id': 21246,
 'mass_log_msun': 10.671343457957859,
 'url': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/21246/'}
IDL> subs = get( snap['subhalos'], params={limit:220} )
IDL> subs['results'].count()
IDL> subs['next']

IDL> subs['results',0]
    "id": 0,
    "mass_log_msun": 14.557165062415164,
    "url": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/0/"
>> subs = get_url( snap.('subhalos'), struct('limit',220) );
>> numel(subs.('results'))
ans =

>> subs.('next')
ans =

>> subs.('results'){1}
ans = 
               id: 0
    mass_log_msun: 14.5572
              url: [1x81 char]

Each element of results contains minimal information: the subhalo id, its total mass (log solar units), and its unique URL. Note that, although this is the first result of the first page, the ID may not necessarily be zero!

Note: Ordering of subhalo searches.

Return order is arbitrary unless specified.

Request the first twenty subhalos at this snapshot, sorted by descending stellar mass.

>>> subs = get( snap['subhalos'], {'limit':20, 'order_by':'-mass_stars'} )

>>> len(subs['results'])

>>> [ subs['results'][i]['id'] for i in range(5) ]
IDL> subs = get( snap['subhalos'], params={limit:20, order_by:'-mass_stars'} )

IDL> subs['results'].count()
IDL> for i=0,4 do print, subs['results',i,'id']
>> subs = get_url( snap.('subhalos'), struct('limit',20,'order_by','-mass_stars') );
>> numel(subs.('results'))
ans =

>> for i=1:5, disp( subs.('results'){i}.('id') ), end

Just to be clear, the full URL which was just requested was:
(if you are logged in, browsing to this location will dump you into the Browsable API).

Note: Ordering

You can order by any field in the catalog.

The negative sign indicates descending order, otherwise ascending order is assumed.

As expected, because subhalos within each halo are ordered roughly in order of decreasing total mass, the most massive subhalo (with ID==0) also has the most stars. The next ID (1030) is likely a central subhalo of a subsequent FoF halo.

Let's check. First, get the full subhalo information for ID==1030.

>>> sub = get( subs['results'][1]['url'] )
>>> sub
{'bhmdot': 0.199144,
 'cm_x': 10992.8,
 'cutouts': {'parent_halo': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/halos/2/cutout.hdf5',
             'subhalo': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/cutout.hdf5'},
 'desc_sfid': -1,
 'desc_snap': -1,
 'grnr': 2,
 'id': 1030,
 'meta': {'info': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/info.json',
          'simulation': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/',
          'snapshot': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/',
          'url': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/'},
 'primary_flag': 1,
 'prog_sfid': 1004,
 'prog_snap': 134,
 'related': {'parent_halo': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/halos/2/',
             'sublink_descendant': None,
             'sublink_progenitor': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/134/subhalos/1004/'},
 'snap': 135,
 'supplementary_data': {},
 'trees': {'lhalotree': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/lhalotree/full.hdf5',
           'lhalotree_mpb': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/lhalotree/mpb.hdf5',
           'sublink': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/sublink/full.hdf5',
           'sublink_mpb': 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/sublink/mpb.hdf5'},
IDL> sub = get( subs['results',1,'url'] )
IDL> sub
    "snap": 135,
    "id": 1030,
    "bhmdot": 0.19914399999999999,
    "desc_sfid": -1,
    "desc_snap": -1,
    "grnr": 2,
    "primary_flag": 1,
    "prog_sfid": 1004,
    "prog_snap": 134,
    "supplementary_data": {},
    "cutouts": {"parent_halo": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/halos/2/cutout.hdf5",
                "subhalo": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/cutout.hdf5"},
    "meta": {"info": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/info.json",
             "simulation": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/",
             "snapshot": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/",
             "url": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/"},
    "related": {"parent_halo": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/halos/2/",
                "sublink_descendant": null,
                "sublink_progenitor": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/134/subhalos/1004/"},
    "trees": {"lhalotree": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/lhalotree/full.hdf5",
              "lhalotree_mpb": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/lhalotree/mpb.hdf5",
              "sublink": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/sublink/full.hdf5",
              "sublink_mpb": "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/135/subhalos/1030/sublink/mpb.hdf5"},
>> sub = get_url( subs.('results'){2}.('url') )
sub = 
                            snap: 135
                              id: 1030
                          bhmdot: 0.1991
                       prog_snap: 134
                       prog_sfid: 1004
                       desc_snap: -1
                       desc_sfid: -1
                            grnr: 2
                    primary_flag: 1
                         related: [1x1 struct]
                         cutouts: [1x1 struct]
                           trees: [1x1 struct]
              supplementary_data: [1x1 struct]
                            meta: [1x1 struct]
>> sub.('related')
ans = 
    sublink_progenitor: [1x84 char]
    sublink_descendant: []
           parent_halo: [1x78 char]

>> sub.('related').('sublink_progenitor')
ans =

The response is a combination of numeric fields and links to related objects, as well as additional data.

For example, desc_sfid = -1 and desc_snap = -1 indicate that this subhalo has no descendant in the SubLink trees (as expected, since we are at $z=0$). On the other hand, prog_sfid = 1004 and prog_snap = 134 indicate that the main progenitor of this subhalo has ID 1004 at snapshot 134. The related['sublink_progenitor'] link would take us directly there.

We also have id = 1030, a good sanity check. grnr = 2 indicates that this subhalo is a member of FoF 2. primary_flag = 1 indicates that this is the central (i.e. most massive, or "primary") subhalo of this FoF halo.

Let us directly request a group catalog field dump of the parent FoF halo.

>>> url = sub['related']['parent_halo'] + "info.json"
>>> url

>>> parent_fof = get(url)
>>> parent_fof.keys()
['SnapshotNumber', 'SimulationName', 'InfoType', 'InfoID', 'Group']

>> parent_fof['Group']
 'GroupFirstSub': 1030,
 'GroupNsubs': 366,
 'GroupPos': [10908.2392578125, 50865.515625, 47651.7890625],
IDL> url = sub['related','parent_halo'] + "info.json"
IDL> url

IDL> parent_fof = get(url)
IDL> parent_fof.keys()

IDL> parent_fof['Group']
    "GroupFirstSub": 1030,
    "GroupNsubs": 366,
    "GroupPos": [
>> url = [sub.('related').('parent_halo') 'info.json']
url =

>> parent_fof = get_url(url);
>> fieldnames(parent_fof)
ans = 

>> parent_fof.('Group')
ans = 
         Group_M_Crit200: 1.7347e+04
           GroupFirstSub: 1030
                GroupPos: [1.0908e+04 5.0866e+04 4.7652e+04]
              GroupNsubs: 366

Note: info.json endpoints

The subhalos/N/info.json and halos/N/info.json endpoints provide a raw extraction from the group catalogs, so the fields are named accordingly.

In this case, we see that subhalo 1030 is indeed the central for this FoF 2, which has 366 total subhalos.

Let us return to the subhalo itself, and make some requests which return HDF5 data. First, extend our helper function so that if it recieves a binary response, it saves it to a file with the appropriate name (in the current working directory, customize as needed).

def get(path, params=None):
    # make HTTP GET request to path
    r = requests.get(path, params=params, headers=headers)

    # raise exception if response code is not HTTP SUCCESS (200)

    if r.headers['content-type'] == 'application/json':
        return r.json() # parse json responses automatically

    if 'content-disposition' in r.headers:
        filename = r.headers['content-disposition'].split("filename=")[1]
        with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
        return filename # return the filename string

    return r
function get, path, params=p
  headers = 'api-key: INSERT_API_KEY_HERE'
  oUrl = OBJ_NEW('IDLnetUrl')
  oUrl->SetProperty, headers=headers
  query = ''
  if n_elements(p) gt 0 then begin
    if ~isa(p,'hash') then p = hash(p) ; optionally convert struct input
    foreach key,p.keys() do query += strlowcase(key) + '=' + str(p[key]) + '&'
    query = '?' + strmid(query,0,strlen(query)-1)
  r = oUrl->Get(url=path+query,/buffer)

  oUrl->GetProperty, content_type=content_type
  oUrl->GetProperty, response_header=r_header
  if content_type eq 'json' then return, json_parse(string(r))
  if content_type eq 'octet-stream' then begin
    filename = stregex(r_header,'filename=(.*)(hdf5|fits)',/subexpr,/extract)

    get_lun, lun & openw, lun, filename[1]+filename[2]
      writeu, lun, r
    close, lun & free_lun, lun
    return, filename[1]+filename[2]

  return, string(r)
>> function r = get_url(url,params)
>>   header1 = struct('name','api-key','value','INSERT_API_KEY_HERE');
>>   header2 = struct('name','accept','value','application/json,octet-stream');
>>   header = struct([header1,header2]);
>>   if exist('params','var')
>>     keys = fieldnames(params);
>>     query = '';
>>     for i=1:numel(keys), query = strcat( query, '&', keys(i), '=',  num2str(params.(keys{i})) );, end
>>     url = strcat(url, '?', query);
>>     url = url{1};
>>   end
>>   [r,extras] = urlread2(url, 'GET', '', header);
>>   if ~extras.isGood, error(['error: ' num2str(extras.status.value) ' ' extras.status.msg]);, end
>>   if strcmp(extras.firstHeaders.('Content_Type'),'application/json'), r = loadjson(r);, end
>>   if strcmp(extras.firstHeaders.('Content_Type'),'application/octet-stream')
>>     filename = strsplit(extras.firstHeaders.('Content_Disposition'),'filename=');
>>     f = fopen(filename{2},'w');
>>       fwrite(f,r);
>>     fclose(f);
>>     r = filename{2}; % return filename string
>>   end
>> end
julia> TODO

Now, request the main progenitor branch from the SubLink merger trees of this subhalo.

>>> import h5py
>>> mpb1 = get( sub['trees']['sublink_mpb'] ) # file saved, mpb1 contains the filename
>>> f = h5py.File(mpb1,'r')
>>> print f.keys()
['DescendantID', ..., 'SnapNum', 'SubhaloNumber', 'SubhaloPos', ...]

>>> print len(f['SnapNum'])

>>> print f['SnapNum'][:]
[135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118
 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100
  99  98  97  96  95  94  93  92  91  90  89  88  87  86  85  84  83  82
  81  80  79  78  77  76  75  74  73  72  71  70  69  68  67  66  65  64
  63  62  61  60  59  58  57  56  55  54  53  52  51  50  49  48  47  46
  45  44  43  42  41  40  39  38  37  36  35  34  33  32]
>>> f.close()
IDL> mpb1 = get( sub['trees','sublink_mpb'] )
IDL> r = h5_parse(mpb1,/read)
IDL> tag_names(r)

IDL> r.SnapNum._dimensions[0]
IDL> r.SnapNum._data[*]
         135         134         133         132         131         130         129         128         127
         126         125         124         123         122         121         120         119         118
         117         116         115         114         113         112         111         110         109
         108         107         106         105         104         103         102         101         100
          99          98          97          96          95          94          93          92          91
          90          89          88          87          86          85          84          83          82
          81          80          79          78          77          76          75          74          73
          72          71          70          69          68          67          66          65          64
          63          62          61          60          59          58          57          56          55
          54          53          52          51          50          49          48          47          46
          45          44          43          42          41          40          39          38          37
          36          35          34          33          32
>> mpb1 = get_url( sub.('trees').('sublink_mpb') );
>> info = h5info(mpb1);
>> names = {};
>> for i=1:numel(info.('Datasets')), names{i} = info.('Datasets')(i).('Name');, end
>> names
names = 
  Columns 1 through 4
    'DescendantID'    'FirstProgenitorID'    [1x24 char]    'Group_M_Crit200'
>> SnapNum = h5read(mpb1,'/SnapNum/')
SnapNum =

Note: Available fields in tree returns

By default, extracting the main progenitor branch, or the full tree, for a given subhalo will return all fields. That is, in addition to telling you the Subfind IDs and snapshot numbers of all progenitors, the properties of each progenitor subhalo will also be returned.

We see this subhalo was tracked back to snapshot 32 in the SubLink tree. For comparison, get the main progenitor branch from the LHaloTree.

>>> mpb2 = get( sub['trees']['lhalotree_mpb'] ) # file saved, mpb2 contains the filename
>>> with h5py.File(mpb2,'r') as f:
>>>     print len(f['SnapNum'])
IDL> mpb2 = get( sub['trees','lhalotree_mpb'] )
IDL> r = h5_parse(mpb2,/read)
IDL> r.SnapNum._dimensions[0]
>> mpb2 = get_url( sub.('trees').('lhalotree_mpb') );
>> SnapNum2 = h5read(mpb2,'/SnapNum/');
>> numel(SnapNum2)
ans =
Su   104

So the LHaloTree goes back to the same snapshot. Further inspection would show that in this case the tracking is similar (same $z=0$ descendant), but not identical, which is often the case. Let's plot the evolution the subhalo position, along each coordinate axis, back in time.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
>>> with h5py.File(mpb2,'r') as f:
>>>     pos = f['SubhaloPos'][:]
>>>     snapnum = f['SnapNum'][:]
>>>     subid = f['SubhaloNumber'][:]
>>> for i in range(3):
>>>     plt.plot(snapnum,pos[:,i] - pos[0,i], label=['x','y','z'][i])
>>> plt.legend()
>>> plt.xlabel('Snapshot Number')
>>> plt.ylabel('Pos$_{x,y,z}$(z) - Pos(z=0)');
IDL> SnapNum = r.SnapNum._data
IDL> SubhaloPos = r.SubhaloPos._data
IDL> for i=0,2 do begin
IDL>   p = plot(SnapNum, SubhaloPos[i,*]-SubhaloPos[i,0], '-', overplot=(i gt 0))
IDL>   p.color = (['b','g','r'])(i)
IDL> endfor
IDL> p.xtitle = "Snapshot Number"
IDL> p.ytitle = "Pos$_{x,y,z}$(z) - Pos(z=0)"
>> for i=1:3
>>   plot(SnapNum2,SubhaloPos2(i,:)-SubhaloPos2(i,1))
>>   hold on
>> end
>> legend('x','y','z');
>> xlabel('Snapshot Number');
>> ylabel('Pos$_{x,y,z}$(z) - Pos(z=0)');

Finally, let's get an actual cutout of snapshot data. Our goal: an image of the gas density around the $z=1$ progenitor of our subhalo.

First, what is the snapshot we are looking for?

>>> url = sim['snapshots'] + "z=1/"
>>> url

>>> snap = get(url)
>>> snap['number'], snap['redshift']
(85, 0.9972942257819399)
IDL> url = sim['snapshots'] + "z=1/"
IDL> url

IDL> snap = get(url)
IDL> snap['number'], snap['redshift']
>> url = [sim.('snapshots') 'z=1/']
url =

>> snap = get_url(url);
>> snap.('number'), snap.('redshift')
ans =

ans =

Find the target Subfind ID at snapshot 85 using the Sublink tree.

>>> i = np.where(snapnum == 85)
>>> subid[i]
IDL> w = where(x.SnapNum._data eq 85)
IDL> x.SubhaloNumber._data[w]
>> i = find(SnapNum2 == 85);
>> SubhaloNumber = h5read(mpb2,'/SubhaloNumber/');
>> SubhaloNumber(i)
ans =

Request the subhalo details, and a snapshot cutout consisting only of Gas fields Coordinates,Masses.

>>> sub_prog_url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/85/subhalos/185/"
>>> sub_prog = get(sub_prog_url)
>>> sub_prog['pos_x'], sub_prog['pos_y']
(11013.3, 51469.6)

>>> cutout_request = {'gas':'Coordinates,Masses'}
>>> cutout = get(sub_prog_url+"cutout.hdf5", cutout_request)
IDL> sub_prog_url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/85/subhalos/185/"
IDL> sub_prog = get(sub_prog_url)
IDL> sub_prog['pos_x'], sub_prog['pos_y']
IDL> cutout_request = {gas:'Coordinates,Masses'}
IDL> cutout = get(sub_prog_url + "cutout.hdf5", params=cutout_request)
>> sub_prog_url = 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-3/snapshots/85/subhalos/185/';
>> sub_prog = get_url(sub_prog_url);
>> sub_prog.('pos_x'), sub_prog.('pos_y')
ans =

ans =

>> cutout_request = struct('gas','Coordinates,Masses');
>> cutout = get_url( [sub_prog_url 'cutout.hdf5'], cutout_request);

Make a quick 2d histogram visualization of the distribution of gas bound to this subhalo, weighted by the log of gas cell mass, and with position relative to the subhalo center.

>>> with h5py.File(cutout,'r') as f:
>>>     x = f['PartType0']['Coordinates'][:,0] - sub_prog['pos_x']
>>>     y = f['PartType0']['Coordinates'][:,1] - sub_prog['pos_y']
>>>     dens = np.log10(f['PartType0']['Masses'][:])
>>> plt.hist2d(x,y,weights=dens,bins=[150,100])
>>> plt.xlabel('$\Delta x$ [ckpc/h]')
>>> plt.ylabel('$\Delta y$ [ckpc/h]');
IDL> x = r.PartType0.Coordinates._data[0,*] - sub_prog['pos_x']
IDL> y = r.PartType0.Coordinates._data[1,*] - sub_prog['pos_y']
IDL> dens = alog10( r.PartType0.Masses._data )
IDL> h2d = hist_2d(x,y, bin1=20, bin2=20) ; use hist2d or hist_nd_weight for mass-weighting
IDL> g = image(bytscl(h2d), RGB_TABLE=13, axis_style=2, $
IDL>           image_dim=[max(x)-min(x),max(y)-min(y)], image_loc=[min(x), min(y)], $
IDL>           xtitle='$\Delta x$ [ckpc/h]',ytitle='$\Delta x$ [ckpc/h]')
>> Coordinates = h5read(cutout,'/PartType0/Coordinates/');
>> x = Coordinates(1,:) - sub_prog.('pos_x');
>> y = Coordinates(2,:) - sub_prog.('pos_y');
>> imagesc( [min(x) max(x)], [min(y) max(y)], log10(h));
>> xlabel('$\Delta x$ [ckpc/h]');
>> ylabel('$\Delta x$ [ckpc/h]');

That's enough! You can also explore the independent examples below.

API Cookbook

Examples for how to accomplish specific tasks, covering some different API response formats.

Each example is independent, although we will use this helper function to reduce verbosity:

>>> def get(path, params=None):
>>>     # make HTTP GET request to path
>>>     headers = {"api-key":"INSERT_API_KEY_HERE"}
>>>     r = requests.get(path, params=params, headers=headers)
>>>     # raise exception if response code is not HTTP SUCCESS (200)
>>>     r.raise_for_status()
>>>     if r.headers['content-type'] == 'application/json':
>>>         return r.json() # parse json responses automatically
>>>     if 'content-disposition' in r.headers:
>>>         filename = r.headers['content-disposition'].split("filename=")[1]
>>>         with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
>>>             f.write(r.content)
>>>         return filename # return the filename string
>>>     return r
function get, path, params=p
  headers = 'api-key: INSERT_API_KEY_HERE'
  oUrl = OBJ_NEW('IDLnetUrl')
  oUrl->SetProperty, headers=headers
  query = ''
  if n_elements(p) gt 0 then begin
    if ~isa(p,'hash') then p = hash(p) ; optionally convert struct input
    foreach key,p.keys() do query += strlowcase(key) + '=' + str(p[key]) + '&'
    query = '?' + strmid(query,0,strlen(query)-1)
  r = oUrl->Get(url=path+query,/buffer)

  oUrl->GetProperty, content_type=content_type
  oUrl->GetProperty, response_header=r_header
  if content_type eq 'json' then return, json_parse(string(r))
  if content_type eq 'octet-stream' then begin
    filename = stregex(r_header,'filename=(.*)(hdf5|fits)',/subexpr,/extract)

    get_lun, lun & openw, lun, filename[1]+filename[2]
      writeu, lun, r
    close, lun & free_lun, lun
    return, filename[1]+filename[2]

  if content_type eq 'png' then return, r ; raw bytes  
  return, string(r)

function str, tt
  return, strcompress(string(tt),/remove_all)
>> function r = get_url(url,params)
>>   header1 = struct('name','api-key','value','INSERT_API_KEY_HERE');
>>   header2 = struct('name','accept','value','application/json,octet-stream');
>>   header = struct([header1,header2]);
>>   if exist('params','var')
>>     keys = fieldnames(params);
>>     query = '';
>>     for i=1:numel(keys), query = strcat( query, '&', keys(i), '=',  num2str(params.(keys{i})) );, end
>>     url = strcat(url, '?', query);
>>     url = url{1};
>>   end
>>   [r,extras] = urlread2(url, 'GET', '', header);
>>   if ~extras.isGood, error(['error: ' num2str(extras.status.value) ' ' extras.status.msg]);, end
>>   if strcmp(extras.firstHeaders.('Content_Type'),'application/json'), r = loadjson(r);, end
>>   if strcmp(extras.firstHeaders.('Content_Type'),'application/octet-stream')
>>     filename = strsplit(extras.firstHeaders.('Content_Disposition'),'filename=');
>>     f = fopen(filename{2},'w');
>>       fwrite(f,r);
>>     fclose(f);
>>     r = filename{2}; % return filename string
>>   end
>> end
julia> TODO

Task 1: for Illustris-1 at $z=0$, get all the fields available for the subhalo with id=0 and print its total mass and stellar half mass radius.

>>> url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/135/subhalos/0/"
>>> r = get(url)
>>> r['mass']
>>> r['halfmassrad_stars']
IDL> url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/135/subhalos/0/"
IDL> .r test3
IDL> r = get(url)
IDL> r['mass']
IDL> r['halfmassrad_stars']
>> url = 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/135/subhalos/0/';
>> r = get_url(url);
>> r.('mass')
ans =

>> r.('halfmassrad_stars')
ans =

Task 2: for Illustris-1 at $z=2$, search for all subhalos with total mass $10^{11.9} M_\odot < M < 10^{12.1} M_\odot$, print the number returned, and the Subfind IDs of the first five results (arbitrarily ordered, you may get different ids).

>>> # first convert log solar masses into group catalog units
>>> mass_min = 10**11.9 / 1e10 * 0.704
>>> mass_max = 10**12.1 / 1e10 * 0.704

>>> # form the search_query string by hand for once
>>> search_query = "?mass__gt=" + str(mass_min) + "&mass__lt=" + str(mass_max)
>>> search_query

>>> # form the url and make the request
>>> url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/" + search_query
>>> subhalos = get(url)
>>> subhalos['count']

>>> ids = [ subhalos['results'][i]['id'] for i in range(5) ]
>>> ids
[109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711]
IDL> mass_min = 10^11.9 / 1e10 * 0.704
IDL> mass_max = 10^12.1 / 1e10 * 0.704

IDL> ; form the search_query string by hand for once
IDL> search_query = "?mass__gt=" + str(mass_min) + "&mass__lt=" + str(mass_max)
IDL> search_query

IDL> url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/" + search_query
IDL> subhalos = get(url)
IDL> subhalos['count']

IDL> ids = list()
IDL> for i=0,4 do ids.add, (subhalos['results',i])['id']
IDL> ids
>> mass_min = 10^11.9 / 1e10 * 0.704;
>> mass_max = 10^12.1 / 1e10 * 0.704;
>> % form the search_query string by hand for once
>> search_query = ['?mass__gt=' num2str(mass_min) '&mass__lt=' num2str(mass_max)]
search_query =

>> url = ['http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/' search_query];
>> subhalos = get_url(url);
>> subhalos.('count')
ans =
>> ids = [];
>> for i=1:5,  ids(i) = subhalos.('results'){i}.('id');, end
>> ids
ids =
           1        1352        5525        6574       12718

Task 3: for Illustris-1 at $z=2$, retrieve all fields for five specific Subfind IDs (from above: 109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711), print the stellar mass and number of star particles in each.

>>> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711]
>>> for id in ids:
>>>     url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/" + str(id)
>>>     subhalo = get(url)
>>>     print id, subhalo['mass_stars'], subhalo['len_stars']

109974 0.283605 7270
110822 0.41813 5820
123175 0.529888 11362
107743 0.648827 10038
95711 0.623781 12722
IDL> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711]
IDL> foreach id,ids do begin
IDL>   url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/" + str(id)
IDL>   subhalo = get(url)
IDL>   print, id, subhalo['mass_stars'], subhalo['len_stars']
IDL> endforeach

      109974      0.28360500                  7270
      110822      0.41813000                  5820
      123175      0.52988800                 11362
      107743      0.64882700                 10038
       95711      0.62378100                 12722
>> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711];
>> for i=1:numel(ids)
>>   url = ['http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/' num2str(ids(i))];
>>   subhalo = get_url(url);
>>   fprintf('%d %g %g\n', ids(i), subhalo.('mass_stars'), subhalo.('len_stars'));
>> end

109974 0.283605 7270
110822 0.41813 5820
123175 0.529888 11362
107743 0.648827 10038
95711 0.623781 12722

Task 4: for Illustris-1 at $z=2$, for five specific Subfind IDs (from above: 109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711), extract and save full cutouts from the snapshot (HDF5 format).

>>> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711]
>>> for id in ids:
>>>     url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/" + str(id) + "/cutout.hdf5"
>>>     saved_filename = get(url)
>>>     print id, saved_filename

109974 cutout_109974.hdf5
110822 cutout_110822.hdf5
123175 cutout_123175.hdf5
107743 cutout_107743.hdf5
95711 cutout_95711.hdf5
IDL> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711]
IDL> foreach id,ids do begin
IDL>   url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/" + str(id) + "/cutout.hdf5"
IDL>   saved_filename = get(url)
IDL>   print, id + ' ' + saved_filename
IDL> endforeach

      109974 cutout_109974.hdf5
      110822 cutout_110822.hdf5
      123175 cutout_123175.hdf5
      107743 cutout_107743.hdf5
       95711 cutout_95711.hdf5
>> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711];
>> for i=1:numel(ids)
>>   url = ['http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/' num2str(ids(i)) '/cutout.hdf5'];
>>   saved_filename = get_url(url);
>>   disp([num2str(ids(i)) ' ' saved_filename]);
>> end

109974 cutout_109974.hdf5
110822 cutout_110822.hdf5
123175 cutout_123175.hdf5
107743 cutout_107743.hdf5
95711 cutout_95711.hdf5

Task 5: for Illustris-1 at $z=2$, for five specific Subfind IDs (from above: 109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711), extract and save only star particles from the parent FoF halo of each subhalo.

>>> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711]
>>> params = {'stars':'all'}
>>> for id in ids:
>>>     url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/" + str(id)
>>>     sub = get(url)
>>>     saved_filename = get(sub['cutouts']['parent_halo'],params)
>>>     print sub['id'], sub['grnr'], saved_filename

109974 745 cutout_745.hdf5
110822 758 cutout_758.hdf5
123175 971 cutout_971.hdf5
107743 711 cutout_711.hdf5
95711 548 cutout_548.hdf5
IDL> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711]
IDL> params = {stars:'all'}
IDL> foreach id,ids do begin
IDL>   url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/" + str(id)
IDL>   sub = get(url)
IDL>   saved_filename = get(sub['cutouts','parent_halo'],params=params)
IDL>   print, sub['id'], sub['grnr'], ' ', saved_filename
IDL> endforeach

                109974                   745 cutout_745.hdf5
                110822                   758 cutout_758.hdf5
                123175                   971 cutout_971.hdf5
                107743                   711 cutout_711.hdf5
                 95711                   548 cutout_548.hdf5
>> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711];
>> params = struct('stars','all');
>> for i=1:numel(ids)
>>   url = ['http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=2/subhalos/' num2str(ids(i))];
>>   sub = get_url(url);
>>   saved_filename = get_url( sub.('cutouts').('parent_halo'), params );
>>   fprintf('%d %d %s\n', sub.('id'), sub.('grnr'), saved_filename);
>> end

109974 745 cutout_745.hdf5
110822 758 cutout_758.hdf5
123175 971 cutout_971.hdf5
107743 711 cutout_711.hdf5
95711 548 cutout_548.hdf5

Task 6: for Illustris-1 at $z=2$ for Subfind ID 109974, get a cutout including only the positions and metallicities of stars, and calculate the mean stellar metallicity in solar units within the annuli $3 \rm{kpc} < r < 5 \rm{kpc}$ (proper) centered on the fiducial subhalo position.

>>> import h5py
>>> import numpy as np
>>> id = 109974
>>> redshift = 2.0
>>> params = {'stars':'Coordinates,GFM_Metallicity'}
>>> scale_factor = 1.0 / (1+redshift)
>>> little_h = 0.704
>>> solar_Z = 0.0127
>>> url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=" + str(redshift) + "/subhalos/" + str(id)
>>> sub = get(url) # get json response of subhalo properties
>>> saved_filename = get(url + "/cutout.hdf5",params) # get and save HDF5 cutout file
>>> with h5py.File(saved_filename) as f:
>>>     # NOTE! If the subhalo is near the edge of the box, you must take the periodic boundary into account! (we ignore it here)
>>>     dx = f['PartType4']['Coordinates'][:,0] - sub['pos_x']
>>>     dy = f['PartType4']['Coordinates'][:,1] - sub['pos_y']
>>>     dz = f['PartType4']['Coordinates'][:,2] - sub['pos_z']
>>>     metals = f['PartType4']['GFM_Metallicity'][:]
>>>     rr = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
>>>     rr *= scale_factor/little_h # ckpc/h -> physical kpc
>>>     w = np.where( (rr >= 3.0) & (rr < 5.0) )    
>>>     print np.mean( metals[w] ) / solar_Z

IDL> id = 109974
IDL> redshift = 2.0
IDL> params = {stars:'Coordinates,GFM_Metallicity'}
IDL> scale_factor = 1.0 / (1+redshift)
IDL> little_h = 0.704
IDL> solar_Z = 0.0127
IDL> url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=" + str(redshift) + "/subhalos/" + str(id)
IDL> sub = get(url) ; get json response of subhalo properties
IDL> saved_filename = get(url + "/cutout.hdf5",params=params) ; get and save HDF5 cutout file
IDL> f = h5_parse(saved_filename,/read)
IDL> dx = f.PartType4.Coordinates._data[0,*] - sub['pos_x']
IDL> dy = f.PartType4.Coordinates._data[1,*] - sub['pos_y']
IDL> dz = f.PartType4.Coordinates._data[2,*] - sub['pos_z']
IDL> metals = f.PartType4.GFM_Metallicity._data
IDL> rr = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2)
IDL> rr *= scale_factor/little_h ; ckpc/h -> physical kpc
IDL> w = where( rr ge 3.0 and rr lt 5.0 )
IDL> print, mean( metals[w] ) / solar_Z

>> id = 109974;
>> redshift = 2.0;
>> params = struct('stars','Coordinates,GFM_Metallicity');
>> scale_factor = 1.0 / (1+redshift);
>> little_h = 0.704;
>> solar_Z = 0.0127;
>> url = ['http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/z=' num2str(redshift) '/subhalos/' num2str(id)];
>> sub = get_url(url); % get json response of subhalo properties
>> saved_filename = get_url([url '/cutout.hdf5'], params); % get and save HDF5 cutout file
>> Coordinates = h5read(saved_filename,'/PartType4/Coordinates/');
>> Metals = h5read(saved_filename,'/PartType4/GFM_Metallicity/');
>> dx = Coordinates(1,:) - sub.('pos_x');
>> dy = Coordinates(2,:) - sub.('pos_y');
>> dz = Coordinates(3,:) - sub.('pos_z');
>> rr = sqrt(dx.^2 + dy.^2 + dz.^2);
>> rr = rr .* scale_factor/little_h; % ckpc/h -> physical kpc
>> w = find( rr >= 3.0 & rr < 5.0 );
>> mean( Metals(w) ) ./ solar_Z

ans =

Task 8: for Illustris-1 at $z=2$, for five specific Subfind IDs (from above: 109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711), locate the $z=0$ descendant of each by using the API to walk down the SubLink descendant links.

>>> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711]
>>> z0_descendant_ids = [-1]*len(ids)
>>> for i,id in enumerate(ids):
>>>     start_url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/68/subhalos/" + str(id)
>>>     sub = get(start_url)
>>>     while sub['desc_sfid'] != -1:
>>>         # request the full subhalo details of the descendant by following the sublink URL
>>>         sub = get(sub['related']['sublink_descendant'])
>>>         if sub['snap'] == 135:
>>>             z0_descendant_ids[i] = sub['id']
>>>     if z0_descendant_ids[i] >= 0:
>>>         print 'Descendant of ' + str(id) + ' at z=0 is ' + str(z0_descendant_ids[i])
>>>     else:
>>>         print 'Descendant of ' + str(id) + ' not followed to z=0!'
Descendant of 109974 at z=0 is 41092
Descendant of 110822 at z=0 is 338375
Descendant of 123175 at z=0 is 257378
Descendant of 107743 at z=0 is 110568
Descendant of 95711 at z=0 is 260067
IDL> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711]
IDL> z0_descendant_ids = lonarr(n_elements(ids)) - 1
IDL> for i=0,n_elements(ids)-1 do begin
IDL>     start_url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/68/subhalos/" + str(ids[i])
IDL>     sub = get(start_url)
IDL>     while sub['desc_sfid'] ne -1 do begin
IDL>         ; request the full subhalo details of the descendant by following the sublink URL
IDL>         sub = get(sub['related','sublink_descendant'])
IDL>         if sub['snap'] eq 135 then $
IDL>             z0_descendant_ids[i] = sub['id']
IDL>     endwhile
IDL>     if z0_descendant_ids[i] ge 0 then begin
IDL>         print, 'Descendant of ' + str(ids[i]) + ' at z=0 is ' + str(z0_descendant_ids[i])
IDL>     endif else begin
IDL>         print, 'Descendant of ' + str(ids[i]) + ' not followed to z=0!'
IDL>     endelse
IDL> endfor

Descendant of 109974 at z=0 is 41092
Descendant of 110822 at z=0 is 338375
Descendant of 123175 at z=0 is 257378
Descendant of 107743 at z=0 is 110568
Descendant of 95711 at z=0 is 260067
>> ids = [109974, 110822, 123175, 107743, 95711];
>> z0_descendant_ids = zeros(numel(ids)) - 1;
>> for i=1:numel(ids)
>>   start_url = ['http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/68/subhalos/' num2str(ids(i))];
>>   sub = get_url(start_url);
>>   while sub.('desc_sfid') ~= -1
>>     % request the full subhalo details of the descendant by following the sublink URL
>>     sub = get_url( sub.('related').('sublink_descendant') );
>>     if sub.('snap') == 135, z0_descendant_ids(i) = sub.('id');, end
>>   end
>>   if z0_descendant_ids(i) >= 0
>>     fprintf('Descendant of %d at z=0 is %d\n', ids(i), z0_descendant_ids(i));
>>   else
>>     fprintf('Descendant of %d not followed to z=0!\n', ids(i));
>>   end
>> end

Descendant of 109974 at z=0 is 41092
Descendant of 110822 at z=0 is 338375
Descendant of 123175 at z=0 is 257378
Descendant of 107743 at z=0 is 110568
Descendant of 95711 at z=0 is 260067

Task 9: for Illustris-1 at $z=2$ track Subfind ID 109974 to $z=0$, using the API to walk down the SubLink descendant links, and plot the mass evolution of each component (gas, dark matter, stars, and black holes).

>>> id = 109974
>>> url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/68/subhalos/" + str(id)
>>> sub = get(url) # get json response of subhalo properties
>>> # prepare dict to hold result arrays
>>> fields = ['snap','id','mass_gas','mass_stars','mass_dm','mass_bhs']
>>> r = {}
>>> for field in fields:
>>>     r[field] = []
>>> while sub['desc_sfid'] != -1:
>>>     for field in fields:
>>>         r[field].append(sub[field])
>>>     # request the full subhalo details of the descendant by following the sublink URL
>>>     sub = get(sub['related']['sublink_descendant'])
>>> # make a plot (notice our subhalo falls into a much more massive halo around snapshot 105)
>>> for partType in ['gas','dm','stars','bhs']:
>>>     mass_logmsun = np.log10( np.array(r['mass_'+partType])*1e10/0.704)
>>>     plt.plot(r['snap'],mass_logmsun,label=partType)
>>> plt.xlabel('Snapshot Number')
>>> plt.ylabel('Mass [log $M_\odot$]')
>>> plt.legend(loc='lower right');
IDL> id = 109974
IDL> url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/68/subhalos/" + str(id)
IDL> sub = get(url) ; get json response of subhalo properties
IDL> ; prepare dict to hold result arrays
IDL> fields = ['snap','id','mass_gas','mass_stars','mass_dm','mass_bhs']
IDL> r = hash()
IDL> foreach field,fields do r[field] = list()
IDL> while sub['desc_sfid'] ne -1 do begin
IDL>   foreach field,fields do r[field].add, sub[field]
IDL>   ; request the full subhalo details of the descendant by following the sublink URL
IDL>   sub = get(sub['related','sublink_descendant'])
IDL> endwhile
IDL> ; make a plot (notice our subhalo falls into a much more massive halo around snapshot 105)
IDL> foreach partType,['gas','dm','stars','bhs'],i do begin
IDL>   mass_logmsun = alog10( r['mass_'+partType].toArray()*1e10/0.704 )
IDL>   p = plot(r['snap'].toArray(), mass_logmsun, name=partType, overplot=(i ne 0))
IDL>   p.color = (['b','g','r','m'])(i)
IDL> endforeach
IDL> p.xtitle = 'Snapshot Number'
IDL> p.ytitle = 'Mass [log $M_\odot$]'
IDL> g = legend(target=p)
>> id = 109974;
>> url = ['http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/68/subhalos/' num2str(id)];
>> sub = get_url(url); % get json response of subhalo properties
>> % prepare struct to hold result arrays
>> fields = {'snap','id','mass_gas','mass_stars','mass_dm','mass_bhs'};
>> for i=1:numel(fields), r.(fields{i}) = [];, end
>> while sub.('desc_sfid') ~= -1
>>   for i=1:numel(fields), r.(fields{i}) = [ r.(fields{i}) sub.(fields{i}) ];, end
>>   % request the full subhalo details of the descendant by following the sublink URL
>>   sub = get_url( sub.('related').('sublink_descendant') );
>> end
>> % make a plot (notice our subhalo falls into a much more massive halo around snapshot 105)
>> for i=1:numel(partTypes)
>>   mass_logmsun = log10( r.(['mass_' partTypes{i}]) * 1e10/0.704 );
>>   plot(r.('snap'), mass_logmsun);
>>   hold all
>> end
>> xlabel('Snapshot Number');
>> ylabel('Mass [log $M_\odot$]');
>> legend(partTypes,'Location','best');

Task 10: for Illustris-1 at $z=0$, check if pre-rendered mock stellar images exist for five specific Subfind IDs (the descendants from above: 41092, 338375, 257378, 110568, 260067). If so, download and display the PNGs.

>>> import matplotlib.image as mpimg
>>> from io import BytesIO
>>> ids = [41092,338375,257378,110568,260067]
>>> sub_count = 1
>>> plt.figure(figsize=[15,3])
>>> for id in ids:
>>>     url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/135/subhalos/" + str(id)
>>>     sub = get(url)
>>>     # it is of course possible this data product does not exist for all requested subhalos
>>>     if 'stellar_mocks' in sub['supplementary_data']: 
>>>         # download PNG image, the version which includes all stars in the FoF halo (try replacing 'fof' with 'gz')
>>>         png_url = sub['supplementary_data']['stellar_mocks']['image_fof']
>>>         response = get(png_url)
>>>         # make plot a bit nicer
>>>         plt.subplot(1,len(ids),sub_count)
>>>         plt.text(0,-20,"ID="+str(id),color='blue')
>>>         plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([])
>>>         plt.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([])
>>>         sub_count += 1
>>>         # plot the PNG binary data directly, without actually saving a .png file
>>>         file_object = BytesIO(response.content)
>>>         plt.imshow(mpimg.imread(file_object))
IDL> ids = [41092,338375,257378,110568,260067]
IDL> foreach id,ids,sub_count do begin
IDL>   url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/135/subhalos/" + str(id)
IDL>   sub = get(url)
IDL>   ; it is of course possible this data product does not exist for all requested subhalos
IDL>   if ~sub['supplementary_data'].hasKey('stellar_mocks') then continue
IDL>   ; download PNG image, the version which includes all stars in the FoF halo (try replacing 'fof' with 'gz')
IDL>   png_url = sub['supplementary_data','stellar_mocks','image_fof']
IDL>   response = get(png_url)
IDL>   ; save PNG to temporary file and read it (cannot easily decode PNG format in-memory)
IDL>   get_lun, lun & openw, lun, 'out.png'
IDL>     writeu, lun, response
IDL>   close, lun & free_lun, lun
IDL>   image_data = read_png('out.png')
IDL>   ; plot image and add text annotation
IDL>   p = image(image_data, layout=[5,1,sub_count+1], current=(sub_count gt 0))
IDL>   t = text(0,1.1,target=p,"ID="+str(id),color='b',/relative,clip=0)
IDL> endforeach
>> ids = [41092,338375,257378,110568,260067];
>> fig = figure();
>> set(fig,'Position',[0 0 1250 200]);
>> for i=1:numel(ids)
>>   url = ['http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/snapshots/135/subhalos/' num2str(ids(i))];
>>   sub = get_url(url);
>>   % it is of course possible this data product does not exist for all requested subhalos
>>   if ~isfield(sub.('supplementary_data'),'stellar_mocks'), continue, end
>>   % download PNG image, the version which includes all stars in the FoF halo (try replacing 'fof' with 'gz')
>>   png_url =  sub.('supplementary_data').('stellar_mocks').('image_fof');
>>   response = get_url(png_url);
>>   % save PNG to temporary file and read it (cannot easily decode PNG format in-memory)
>>   f = fopen('out.png','w');
>>     fwrite(f,response);
>>   fclose(f);
>>   image_data = imread('out.png');
>>   % plot image and add text annotation
>>   subplot(1,numel(ids),i);
>>   image(image_data);
>>   text(0,-5,['\color{blue} ID=' num2str(ids(i))]);
>>   set(gca, 'XTick', []);
>>   set(gca, 'YTick', []);
>> end

Task 11: download the entire Illustris-1 $z=0$ snapshot including only the positions, masses, and metallicities of stars (in the form of 512 HDF5 files).

>>> base_url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/"
>>> sim_metadata = get(base_url)
>>> params = {'stars':'Coordinates,Masses,GFM_Metallicity'}
>>> for i in range(sim_metadata['num_files_snapshot']):
>>>     file_url = base_url + "files/snapshot-135." + str(i) + ".hdf5"
>>>     saved_filename = get(file_url, params)
>>>     print saved_filename
IDL> base_url = "http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/"
IDL> sim_metadata = get(base_url)
IDL> params = {stars:'Coordinates,Masses,GFM_Metallicity'}
IDL> for i=0,sim_metadata['num_files_snapshot']-1 do begin
IDL>   file_url = base_url + "files/snapshot-135." + str(i) + ".hdf5"
IDL>   saved_filename = get(file_url, params=params)
IDL>   print, saved_filename
IDL> endfor
>> base_url = 'http://www.tng-project.org/api/Illustris-1/';
>> sim_metadata = get_url(base_url);
>> params = struct('stars','Coordinates,Masses,GFM_Metallicity');
>> for i = 1:sim_metadata.('num_files_snapshot')-1
>>   file_url = [base_url 'files/snapshot-135.' num2str(i) '.hdf5'];
>>   saved_filename = get_url(file_url, params)
>> end

Note: Extracting only certain particle types or fields from full snapshots

In the above example, since we only need these three fields for stars only, we can reduce the download and storage size from ~1.5TB to ~17GB, in 512 files which are an easy to handle ~35 MB each.

Note: Filenames of cutouts and subsets

It is the responsibility of the user to organize the data they download, particularly important when extracting cutouts and subsets. In the above example, the download filenames are completely unmodified -- they have no indication of the fields they contain (this information can be found in a HDF5 Header group). They also do not uniquely identify the files across different simulations. This is also true of halo and subhalo cutouts, whose filenames include only a single ID by default. Therefore, they will collide with different {cutout_query}'s, snapshots, or simulations. The user should implement a directory structure and/or file naming scheme as needed.

Task 12: download a particle (gas) cutout around a subhalo and create a synthetic spectral line observation of it, specifically: a HI radio datacube using the MARTINI code. This is an example of tying in TNG data to an external analysis package:

  • Jupyter Notebook (note: non-interactive, you can download and run in Lab for interactivity)

Task 13? If you are having trouble figuring out if (or how) a specific task can be accomplished with the API, please request an example!

API Reference

Endpoint Listing and Descriptions

Endpoint Description Return Type
/api/ list all simulations currently accessible to the user json,api (?format=)
/api/{sim_name}/ list metadata (including list of all snapshots+redshifts) for {sim_name} json,api (?format=)
/api/{sim_name}/snapshots/ list all snapshots which exist for this simulation json,api (?format=)
/api/{sim_name}/snapshots/{num}/ list metadata for snapshot {num} of simulation {sim_name} json,api (?format=)
/api/{sim_name}/snapshots/z={redshift}/ redirect to the snapshot which exists closest to {redshift} (with a maximum allowed error of 0.1 in redshift) json,api (?format=)
define [base] = /api/{sim_name}/snapshots/{num} or [base] = /api/{sim_name}/snapshots/z={redshift} (after selection of a particular simulation and snapshot)
Subfind subhalos
[base]/subhalos/ paginated list of all subhalos for this snapshot of this run json,api (?format=)
[base]/subhalos/?{search_query} execute {search_query} over all subhalos, return those satisfying the search with basic fields and links to /subhalos/{id} json,api (?format=)
[base]/subhalos/plot.pdf?{groupcat_plot_query} plot the relationship between two or more quantities for (all) subhalos at this snapshot, according to {groupcat_plot_query} png,jpg.pdf (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id} list available data fields and links to all queries possible on subfind subhalo {id} json,api (?format=)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/info.json extract all group catalog fields for subhalo {id} json (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/cutout.hdf5 return snapshot cutout of subhalo {id}, all particle types and fields HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/cutout.hdf5?{cutout_query} return snapshot cutout of subhalo {id} corresponding to the {cutout_query} HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/vis.png?{vis_query} return visualization (image/data) of subhalo {id} according to the {vis_query} png,jpg,pdf,hdf5 (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/skirt/broadband_{survey}.fits retrieve SKIRT synthetic broadband images FITS file for either SDSS, with {survey}="sdss", or Pan-STARRS with {survey}="pogs". Note: only some subhalos/snapshots, see docs FITS
[base]/subhalos/{id}/skirt/image_{band}_{survey}.png retrieve SKIRT diagnostic image including morphological details, with {band} = "i" or "g". PNG
FoF halos
[base]/halos/{halo_id}/ list what we know about this FoF halo, in particular the 'child_subhalos' json,api (?format=)
[base]/halos/{halo_id}/info.json extract all group catalog fields for halo {halo_id} json (.ext)
[base]/halos/{halo_id}/cutout.hdf5 return snapshot cutout of halo {halo_id}, all particle types and fields HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/halos/{halo_id}/cutout.hdf5?{cutout_query} return snapshot cutout of halo {halo_id} corresponding to the {cutout_query} HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/halos/{halo_id}/vis.png?{vis_query} return visualization (image/data) of halo {halo_id} according to the {vis_query} png,jpg,pdf,hdf5 (.ext)
merger trees
[base]/subhalos/{id}/lhalotree/full.hdf5 retrieve full LHaloTree (flat HDF5 format or hierchical/nested JSON format) HDF5,json (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/lhalotree/mpb.hdf5 retrieve only LHaloTree main progenitor branch (towards higher redshift for this subhalo) HDF5,json (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink/full.hdf5 retrieve full SubLink tree (flat HDF5 format or hierchical/nested JSON format) HDF5,json (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink/mpb.hdf5 retrieve only SubLink main progenitor branch (towards higher redshift for this subhalo) HDF5,json (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink/mdb.hdf5 retrieve only SubLink [main] descendant branch(es) (towards lower redshift for this subhalo) (this is the single main branch only if this subhalo lies on the MPB of its z=0 descendant, otherwise it is its full descendant sub-tree containing its z=0 descendant as the first entry) HDF5,json (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink/simple.json retrieve a simple representation of the SubLink tree, the Main Progenitor Branch (in 'Main') and a list of past mergers (in 'Mergers') only. In both cases a snapshot number and subhalo ID pair is given. json (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink_gal/full.hdf5 as above, except for the SubLink_gal tree HDF5,json (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink_gal/mpb.hdf5 as above, except for the SubLink_gal tree HDF5,json (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink_gal/mdb.hdf5 as above, except for the SubLink_gal tree HDF5,json (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink_gal/simple.json as above, except for the SubLink_gal tree json (.ext)
[base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink/tree.png?{treevis_query} return visualization of the full SubLink merger tree for subhalo {id} according to the {treevis_query} png,jpg,pdf (.ext)
"on-disk raw" files
define [base] = /api/{sim_name}/files
[base]/ list of each 'files' type available for this simulation (excluding those attached to specific snapshots) json,api (?format=)
[base]/ics.hdf5 download the initial conditions for this simulation HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/simulation.hdf5 download the virtual 'simulation.hdf5' container file for this simulation HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/snapshot-{num}/ list of all the actual file chunks to download snapshot {num} json,api (?format=)
[base]/snapshot-{num}.{chunknum}.hdf5 download chunk {chunknum} of snapshot {num} HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/snapshot-{num}.{chunknum}.hdf5?{cutout_query} download only {cutout_query} of chunk {chunknum} of snapshot {num} HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/groupcat-{num}/ list of all the actual file chunks to download group catalog (fof/subfind) for snapshot {num} json,api (?format=)
[base]/groupcat-{num}/?{subset_query} download a single field, specified by {subset_query}, from the entire group catalog for snapshot {num} HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/groupcat-{num}.{chunknum}.hdf5 download chunk {chunknum} of group catalog for snapshot {num} HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/offsets.{num}.hdf5 download the offsets file for snapshot {num} HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/lhalotree/ list of all the actual file chunks to download LHaloTree merger tree for this simulation json,api (?format=)
[base]/lhalotree.{chunknum}.hdf5 download chunk {chunknum} of LHaloTree merger tree for this simulation HDF5 (.ext)
[base]/sublink/ list of all the actual file chunks to download Sublink merger tree for this simulation json,api (?format=)
[base]/sublink.{chunknum}.hdf5 download chunk {chunknum} of Sublink merger tree for this simulation HDF5 (.ext)

Several API functions accept additional, optional parameters, which are described here.

Search and Cutout requests

{search_query} is an AND combination of restrictions over any of the supported fields, where the relations supported are 'greater than' (gt), 'greater or equal to' (gte), 'less than' (lt), 'less than or equal to' (lte), 'equal to'. The first four work by appending e.g. '__gt=val' to the field name (with a double underscore). For example:

  • mass_dm__gt=90.0
  • mass__gt=10.0&mass__lte=20.0
  • vmax__lt=100.0&len__gas=0&vmaxrad__gt=20.0

{cutout_query} is a concatenated list of particle fields, separated by particle type. The allowed particle types are 'dm','gas','stars','bhs'. The field names are exactly as in the snapshots ("all" is allowed). Omitting all particle types will return the full cutout: all types, all fields. For example:

{subset_query} is a concatenated list of group catalog fields, separated by object type. The allowed object types are 'Group' and 'Subhalo'. The field names are exactly as in the group catalogs. Currently, only one single field can be requested at once. For example:

  • Group=GroupMass
  • Subhalo=SubhaloMassInRadType
  • Subhalo=SubhaloSFR

Visualization and Plot requests

{groupcat_plot_query} is a list of "option=value" settings. For example:

  • xQuant=mstar2&yQuant=ssfr
  • xQuant=mstar_30pkpc&yQuant=delta_sfms&cQuant=fgas
  • xQuant=mhalo_500&yQuant=Z_gas&nBins=50&xlim=11.0,15.0&cenSatSelect=sat
Option Name Description Default Allowed Values
xQuant x-axis quantity mstar2_log any known group catalog quantity (see below)
yQuant y-axis quantity ssfr any known group catalog quantity (see below)
cQuant color-axis quantity (by which pixels are colored) None if omitted or 'None', then provide a 2d histogram with no third quantity, otherwise any known group catalog quantity (see below)
xlim x-axis limits, automatic if omitted None "min,max" pair of floating point numbers e.g. "-3.0,2.0"
ylim y-axis limits, automatic if omitted None "min,max" pair of floating point numbers e.g. "-3.0,2.0"
clim color-axis limits, automatic if omitted None "min,max" pair of floating point numbers e.g. "-3.0,2.0"
cenSatSelect plot only centrals, satellites, or both? cen all, cen, sat
cStatistic statistic to derive color value median_nan mean, median, count, sum, median_nan
cNaNZeroToMin set pixels with all NaN/zero values to "minimum" color instead of gray False True, False
minCount minimum number of subhalos in a given pixel to include/color in plot 0 integer >= zero
cRel if specified, then the color of each pixel represents not the value of cQuant, but instead the relative value of cQuant with respect to the median for subhalos at the same xQuant value (e.g. mass) None "min,max" pair of floating point numbers e.g. "0.7,1.3" of the new relative color limits
cRelLog show relative values in log? False True, False
cFrac if specified, then the color of each pixel represents not the value of cQuant, but instead the fraction of subhalos in that pixel with a value of cQuant in the given bounds None "min,max" pair of floating point numbers e.g. "1.0,inf" (can be unbounded on either side)
cFracLog show fractional values in log? False True, False
nBins number of histogram bins 80 reasonable integer
qRestrict if specified, a quantity/field to filter on, such that only subhalos which satisfy a value of the field qRestrict within the bounds qRestrictLims are included None any known group catalog quantity (see below)
qRestrictLims the required value of the field qRestrict to include subhalos in the plot None "min,max" pair of floating point numbers e.g. "-inf,100" (can be unbounded on either side)
filterFlag exclude subhalos which have a bad value of SubhaloFlag? True True, False
medianLine draw a median line and [16,84] percentile band? True True, False
sizeFac factor to adjust final size/fontsize of plot 1.0 floating point number between 0.2 and 4.0
pStyle plot style, background color choice white white, black
ctName colormap/colortable name gray/viridis any reasonable colormap name from matplotlib or cmocean.

The known "group catalog quantities" can be used for (xQuant,yQuant,cQuant,qRestrict). These are:

  • None, ssfr, Z_stars, Z_gas, Z_gas_sfr, size_stars, size_gas, fgas1, fgas2, fgas, fdm1, fdm2, fdm, surfdens1_stars, surfdens2_stars, surfdens1_dm, delta_sfms, sfr, sfr1, sfr2, sfr1_surfdens, sfr2_surfdens, virtemp, velmag, spinmag, M_U, M_V, M_B, color_UV, color_VB, vcirc, distance, distance_rvir, zform_mm5, stellarage, massfrac_exsitu, massfrac_exsitu2, massfrac_insitu, massfrac_insitu2, num_mergers, num_mergers_minor, num_mergers_major, num_mergers_major_gyr, mergers_mean_z, mergers_mean_mu, mstar1, mstar2, mstar_30pkpc, mstar_r500, mgas1, mgas2, mhi_30pkpc, mhi2, mgas_r500, fgas_r500, mhalo_200, mhalo_500, mhalo_subfind, mhalo_200_parent, mhalo_vir, halo_numsubs, mstar2_mhalo200_ratio, mstar30pkpc_mhalo200_ratio, rhalo_200, rhalo_500, BH_mass, BH_CumEgy_low, BH_CumEgy_high, BH_CumEgy_ratio, BH_CumEgy_ratioInv, BH_CumMass_low, BH_CumMass_high, BH_CumMass_ratio, BH_Mdot_edd, BH_BolLum, BH_BolLum_basic, BH_EddRatio, BH_dEdt, BH_mode
  • Note: this is a very non-exhaustive list of some of the information available on a per-subhalo basis. If you would like to request an addition, which can be derived from the TNG data, please get in touch, and we would be happy to add additional quantities here.

{treevis_query} is a list of "option=value" settings. For example:

  • ctName=magma
Option Name Description Default Allowed Values
ctName colormap/colortable name inferno any reasonable colormap name from matplotlib or cmocean.

{vis_query} is a list of "option=value" settings. For example:

  • partType=gas&partField=coldens
  • partType=gas&partField=temp&size=5.0&sizeType=rHalfMassStars
  • partType=stars&partField=stellarComp-jwst_f200w-jwst_f115w-jwst_f070w&rotation=face-on&size=50&sizeType=kpc
  • partType=dm&partField=velmag
  • partType=gas&partField=O VII&method=sphMap
Option Name Description Default Allowed Values
partType particle type to visualize gas dm, gas, stars
partField field to visualize coldens_msunkpc2 any known particle/cell quantity (see below)
min image minimum value None (automatic) any floating point value
max image maximum value None (automatic) any floating point value
rVirFracs list of "fractions" at which to draw circles denoting the size of the halo/subhalo 1.0 a comma-separated list of floating point numbers, e.g. "0.5,1.0,2.0"
fracsType what size measurement should the fractions correspond to? rVirial rVirial, rHalfMass, rHalfMassStars, codeUnits, kpc, arcmin
method projection/vis method. Note: "sphMap" includes all FoF particles/cells, while "sphMap_subhalo" includes only subhalo particles/cells. "minIP" and "maxIP" are minimum/maximum intensity projections, respectively. sphMap_subhalo sphMap, sphMap_subhalo, sphMap_minIP, sphMap_maxIP, histo
nPixels number of pixels for image 800,800 comma-separated integers, e.g. "400,400" or "1920,1080" (maximum: 2000)
size physical image extent (width/height) 2.5 any floating point value
sizeType units of 'size' field above rVirial rVirial, rHalfMass, rHalfMassStars, codeUnits, kpc, arcmin
depthFac physical image depth (along line of sight), relative to width/height 1.0 any floating point value
axes define which axes (of x,y,z) correspond to the image extents, such that the axis omitted becomes the line of sight/projection direction 0,1 (i.e. "x,y") "0,1", "0,2", "1,2", "1,0", "2,0", "2,1"
axesUnits unit system for axes labels code code, kpc, mpc, deg, arcmin, arcsec
labelZ add redshift label? True True, False
labelScale add scalebar label? True True, False, physical
labelSim add simulation name label? True True, False
labelHalo add object id/mass label? False True, False, mstar, mhalo, id, mstar_mhalo
plotSubhalos draw circle markers for the N most massive subhalos of this halo? 0 integer >= zero
projType type of projection ortho ortho
rotation calculate and apply a rotation based on the galaxy? (leave axes at "0,1") None None, face-on, edge-on
ctName colormap/colortable name (automatic) any reasonable colormap name from matplotlib or cmocean.
plotStyle plot style, background color choice open open, edged, open_black, edged_black
rasterPx number of pixels of output image (if raster), control plot size/fontsize (distinct from nPixels) 1200 reasonable integer (maximum: 4000)
colorbars show colorbar? True True, False
relCoords show axes distance labels relative to the halo/subhalo? only applies to "open" plot styles True True, False
title show plot title? only applies to "open" plot styles True True, False

The known "particle/cell quantities" which can be used for partField are:

  • dens, density, mass, masspart, particle_mass, sfr, sfr_msunyrkpc2, coldens, coldens_msunkpc2, coldens_msun_ster, OVI_OVII_ionmassratio, HI, HI_segmented, H2_BR, H2_GK, H2_KMT, HI_BR, HI_GK, HI_KMT, xray, xray_lum, sfr_halpha, halpha, p_sync_ska, temp, temperature, temp_sfcold, ent, entr, entropy, bmag, bmag_uG, bfield_x, bfield_y, bfield_z, dedt, energydiss, shocks_dedt, shocks_energydiss, machnum, shocks_machnum, P_gas, P_B, pressure_ratio, metal, Z, metal_solar, Z_solar, SN_IaII_ratio_Fe, SNIaII_ratio_metals, SN_Ia_AGB_ratio_metals, vmag, velmag, vel_los, vel_los_sfrwt, vel_x, vel_y, vel_z, velsigma_los, velsigma_los_sfrwt, vrad, halo_vrad, radvel, halo_radvel, vrad_vvir, specangmom_mag, specj_magstar_age, stellar_age, stellarComp-jwst_f200w-jwst_f115w-jwst_f070w, potential, id, metals_H, metals_He, metals_C, metals_N, metals_O, metals_Ne, metals_Mg, metals_Si, metals_Fe, {ionName}, {ionName} fracmass, {ionName} mass, sb_{emLine}, stellarBand-{bandName}, stellarBandObsFrame-{bandName}
  • {ionName} options: Al I, Al II, Al III, Al IV, Al V, Al VI, Al VII, Al VIII, Al IX, Al X, Ar I, Ar II, Ar III, Ar IV, Ar V, Ar VI, Ar VII, Ar VIII, Ar IX, Ar X, Be I, Be II, Be III, Be IV, Be V, B I, B II, B III, B IV, B V, B VI, Ca I, Ca II, Ca III, Ca IV, Ca V, Ca VI, Ca VII, Ca VIII, Ca IX, Ca X, C I, C II, C III, C IV, C V, C VI, C VII, Cl I, Cl II, Cl III, Cl IV, Cl V, Cl VI, Cl VII, Cl VIII, Cl IX, Cl X, Cr I, Cr II, Cr III, Cr IV, Cr V, Cr VI, Cr VII, Cr VIII, Cr IX, Cr X, Co I, Co II, Co III, Co IV, Co V, Co VI, Co VII, Co VIII, Co IX, Co X, Cu I, Cu II, Cu III, Cu IV, Cu V, Cu VI, Cu VII, Cu VIII, Cu IX, Cu X, F I, F II, F III, F IV, F V, F VI, F VII, F VIII, F IX, F X, He I, He II, He III, H I, H II, H III, Fe I, Fe II, Fe III, Fe IV, Fe V, Fe VI, Fe VII, Fe VIII, Fe IX, Fe X, Li I, Li II, Li III, Li IV, Mg I, Mg II, Mg III, Mg IV, Mg V, Mg VI, Mg VII, Mg VIII, Mg IX, Mg X, Mn I, Mn II, Mn III, Mn IV, Mn V, Mn VI, Mn VII, Mn VIII, Mn IX, Mn X, Ne I, Ne II, Ne III, Ne IV, Ne V, Ne VI, Ne VII, Ne VIII, Ne IX, Ne X, Ni I, Ni II, Ni III, Ni IV, Ni V, Ni VI, Ni VII, Ni VIII, Ni IX, Ni X, N I, N II, N III, N IV, N V, N VI, N VII, N VIII, O I, O II, O III, O IV, O V, O VI, O VII, O VIII, O IX, P I, P II, P III, P IV, P V, P VI, P VII, P VIII, P IX, P X, K I, K II, K III, K IV, K V, K VI, K VII, K VIII, K IX, K X, Sc I, Sc II, Sc III, Sc IV, Sc V, Sc VI, Sc VII, Sc VIII, Sc IX, Sc X, Si I, Si II, Si III, Si IV, Si V, Si VI, Si VII, Si VIII, Si IX, Si X, Na I, Na II, Na III, Na IV, Na V, Na VI, Na VII, Na VIII, Na IX, Na X, S I, S II, S III, S IV, S V, S VI, S VII, S VIII, S IX, S X, Ti I, Ti II, Ti III, Ti IV, Ti V, Ti VI, Ti VII, Ti VIII, Ti IX, Ti X, V I, V II, V III, V IV, V V, V VI, V VII, V VIII, V IX, V X, Zn I, Zn II, Zn III, Zn IV, Zn V, Zn VI, Zn VII, Zn VIII, Zn IX, Zn X
  • {emLine} options: H--1-911.753A, H--1-3645.98A, H--1-1215.67A, H--1-1025.72A, H--1-972.537A, H--1-6562.81A, H--1-4861.33A, H--1-4340.46A, H--1-4101.73A, C--6-33.7372A, N--7-24.7807A, O--8-18.9709A, O--8-16.0067A, O--8-15.1767A, O--8-102.443A, O--8-75.8835A, Ne10-12.1375A, Na11-10.0250A, Mg12-8.42141A, Si14-6.18452A, S-16-4.73132A, Fe26-1.78177A, C--5-40.2678A, C--5-41.4721A, N--6-29.5343A, O--7-21.8070A, O--7-21.8044A, O--7-21.6020A, O--7-22.1012A, Ne-9-13.6987A, Ne-9-13.5529A, Ne-9-13.5500A, Ne-9-13.4471A, Mg11-9.31434A, Mg11-9.23121A, Mg11-9.22816A, Mg11-9.16875A, Si13-6.74039A, Si13-6.68828A, Si13-6.68508A, Si13-6.64803A, S-15-5.10150A, S-15-5.06649A, S-15-5.06314A, S-15-5.03873A, Fe25-1.86819A, Fe25-1.85951A, Fe25-1.85541A, Fe25-1.85040A, C--3-1908.73A, C--3-1906.68A, C--3-977.020A, C--4-1550.78A, C--4-1548.19A, O--6-1037.62A, O--6-1031.91A, O--6-183.937A, O--6-184.117A, S--4-1404.81A, S--4-1423.84A, S--4-1398.04A, O--2-3728.81A, O--2-3726.03A, O--3-4931.23A, O--3-4958.91A, O--3-5006.84A, N--2-6527.23A, N--2-6548.05A, N--2-6583.45A, S--2-6730.82A, S--2-6716.44A, S--2-4076.35A, S--2-4068.60A, O--6-5291.00A, O--6-2082.00A, O--6-3434.00A, O--6-2070.00A, O--6-1125.00A, Blnd-2798.00A, Blnd-1035.00A, Lyman-alpha, Lyman-beta, MgII, H-alpha, H-beta, [OII]3729, OVII, OVIII
  • {bandName} options: wfpc2_f439w, isaac_ks, iras_12, jwst_f356w, scuba_450wb, wfc3_uvis_f218w, pacs_100, buser_b, i2300, wfc3_ir_f140w, wfc_acs_f814w, wfc3_uvis_f814w, nicmos_f160w, wfcam_k, steidel_un, cousins_r, iras_25, wfcam_z, wfcam_y, wfc_acs_f625w, wfc3_ir_f098m, cousins_i, newfirm_j1, newfirm_j3, i1500, newfirm_j2, wise_w1, ps1_i, wise_w3, wise_w2, wise_w4, bessell_l, bessell_m, ps1_r, ps1_y, ps1_z, jwst_f277w, sdss_u, des_r, des_y, des_z, bessell_lp, wfc3_uvis_f438w, 2mass_ks, steidel_rs, des_g, des_i, uvot_m2, wfc3_ir_f110w, stromgren_u, stromgren_v, wfc_acs_f850lp, wfc3_uvis_f390w, stromgren_y, stromgren_b, wfpc2_f850lp, wfc3_uvis_f336w, spire_500, wfpc2_f555w, fors_v, uvot_w2, fors_r, wfc3_uvis_f606w, iras_100, newfirm_h2, newfirm_h1, wfc_acs_f475w, wfpc2_f814w, jwst_f070w, mips_24, wfc3_uvis_f775w, suprimecam_r, suprimecam_v, suprimecam_i, wfc_acs_f435w, suprimecam_b, mips_70, 2mass_h, 2mass_j, sdss_g, wfpc2_f300w, sdss_i, wfc3_uvis_f475w, sdss_r, wfc3_uvis_f850lp, newfirm_k, sdss_z, wfc3_ir_f160w, wfc_acs_f555w, wfc3_ir_f125w, i2800, vista_y, megacam_u, megacam_r, suprimecam_z, wfpc2_f450w, wfc3_uvis_f225w, wfc_acs_f606w, galex_nuv, vista_h, vista_k, vista_j, wfpc2_f336w, megacam_i, b, wfc3_ir_f105w, galex_fuv, mips_160, v, uvot_w1, jwst_f444w, wfc3_uvis_f555w, wfc3_uvis_f275w, wfcam_j, spire_350, wfcam_h, jwst_f200w, pacs_160, jwst_f150w, wfpc2_f255w, wfc_acs_f775w, jwst_f115w, spire_250, scuba_850wb, wfpc2_f606w, ps1_g, iras_60, nicmos_f110w, pacs_70, megacam_z, irac_4, irac_2, irac_3, irac_1, megacam_g, cfht_i, suprimecam_g, cfht_b, u, steidel_i, steidel_g, jwst_f090w, cfht_r

[base]/subhalos/{id} fields

The endpoint for an individual subhalo returns many numeric fields, as well as links to additional data, when available:

  • All Subfind group catalog fields are given, flattened into separate values if a vector, and with modified names. In particular, the 'Subhalo' prefix is removed. For values by type, the 'Type' postfix is removed from the end of the name and '_gas', '_dm', '_stars', and '_bhs' added. For 3-vectors, '_x', '_y', and '_z' are added. For example, SubhaloPos becomes pos_x,pos_y,pos_z.
  • Main branch merger tree links from SubLink are given in terms of their Subfind IDs and snapshots. For first progenitors, the fields are prog_sfid and prog_snap. For descendants, the fields are desc_sfid and desc_snap. If no such relation exists, both values equal -1.
  • The supplementary_data field contains any pre-computed data products which are available for this subhalo (may be empty).

Response codes:

The Illustris API will return a subset of standard HTTP response codes, in particular:

  • 200 - Success. response is being returned as requested.
  • 302 - Redirection. client must submit a second, otherwise identical request to the new URL specified in the Location header field. (All browsers, libraries and commands will do this automatically and transparently). For example, all raw file download requests will receive a redirect type response.
  • 400 - Bad Request. The server will not process the request, because it appears to contain an error. For example, we return code 400 if you make a cutout request but include a particle type or field name which is not known (e.g. typo).
  • 401 - Unauthorized. Standard response requesting authentication if it was not provided. You will receive this response if you do not include your API Key with a request.
  • 403 - Permission Denied. Standard response for insufficient privileges, when you have authenticated successfully.
  • 404 - Not Found. Either there is no API endpoint at the URL which you requested, or you have requested a data resource which does not exist. For example, requesting a 'stellar mocks' broadband file for a subhalo for which it is not currently available.
  • 500 - Server Error. Our fault, this is not good! Please let us know if this happens.

Specifying request formats

Each API eachpoint can return a response in one or more data types. When multiple options exist, a specify return format can be requested through one of the following methods.

  • (?format=) indicates that the return type is chosen by supplying such a querystring, appended to the URL.
  • (.ext) indicates that the return type is chosen by supplying the desired file extension in the URL.

Sending authentication

All API requests require authentication, and therefore also user registration. Each request must provide, along with the details of the request itself, the unique "API Key" of the user making the request. You can send your API Key in two ways:

  • in the querystring, by appending it to the URL (the following are just examples, replace with your actual key): ?api_key=INSERT_API_KEY_HERE.
  • in HTTP header. This is particularly useful for wget commands or within scripts: api-key: INSERT_API_KEY_HERE.

Note: If you are logged in to the website, then requests from your browser are automatically authenticated. Navigating the Browsable API works in this way.

Full-path examples

To be explicit by way of example, the following are absolute URLs for the Illustris API covering some of its functionality, where the type of the request and the expected response should be clear from the preceding documentation.