Downloading via wget on windows powershell

Pavlos Lagatouras
  • 17 Dec '22


I am trying to download the full SubLink Merger Tree for TNG100-2 using the suggested wget command, which is:
wget -nd -nc -nv -e robots=off -l 1 -r -A hdf5 --content-disposition --header="API-Key: " "",
but I get the following error:

Dylan Nelson
  • 17 Dec '22

Looks like you are running a version of wget inside of Windows Powershell - I am not familiar with the details of this program.

The command given is for linux, you may need to adapt the options to make it work in your case.

Please do post here if you get it working, it may be useful to others.

André Barbosa
  • 1
  • 29 Dec '22
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