Matching objects between supplementary catalog and group catalog

wang zuolei
  • 28 Mar '22

Hello,I want to get the location of each galaxy in the file(hih2_galaxy_099 .hdf5),but it doesn't have the location information, so I try to use the file(fof_subhalo_tab_099.**.hdf5) and match the location by ID, but, the ids of the two files don't match,'id_subhalo'and'SubhaloID' why don't the two ids match?

Thank you in advance

Dylan Nelson
  • 1
  • 28 Mar '22

That's right, the idea is that not every subhalo exists in the hih2_galaxy files. So, the id_subhalo field gives you the list of subhalo IDs, for which data exists.

(This is true for almost all "supplementary data catalogs", and the corresponding field is often called SubfindID or SubhaloID).

Then if you want the positions of these subhalos (or any other property), you should load the group catalogs, and take the corresponding entries.

wang zuolei
  • 29 Mar '22

fof_subhalo_tab * does not give the 'field' associated with the ID of these subhalos,fof_subhalo_tab * has 4371211 subhalos, their IDs is 0 through 4371210, right?

Dylan Nelson
  • 29 Mar '22

That's correct, the term "ID" is always used to mean the index (for all datasets) in the group catalogs (fof_subhalo_tab* files).

wang zuolei
  • 29 Mar '22

Thank you, Dylan!

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