Issue with getting plots for particular elliptical subhalo at certain redshifts

Nikita Agarwal
  • 1
  • 1 Dec '21


I am trying to find a good elliptical subhalo evolving from redshift z = 0.4 to z = 0 for a project in the TNG100-1 catalog.

I used the merger tree algorithm to find descendants for a particular subhalo.

   tree = il.sublink.loadTree(basePath, 99,60731, fields=['SnapNum','SubfindID','SubhaloPos'],onlyMPB=True)
   for i in (72,78,84,91,99):
       ind_in_tree = np.where(tree['SnapNum']==i)


However, while plotting the figure with the script:

snap = [72,78,84,91,99]
subhalo_id =[32171,34802,45684,60821,60731]
for (i,j) in zip(snap,subhalo_id):
    gas = il.snapshot.loadSubhalo(basePath, i,j, 'gas', fields=None) 
    subhalo = il.groupcat.loadSingle(basePath, i, subhaloID=j)

I only get the output plot for subhalo_id 60731. I am sure there is nothing wrong with my code as it works for test subhalos.

Can someone please help me with this issue?


Dylan Nelson
  • 1 Dec '21

Dear Nikita,

I don't see that the code you posted produces any output, i.e. I am not sure what output is expected.

If possible please post a minimal reproducible example and I will try to help further.

Nikita Agarwal
  • 1
  • 2 Dec '21

Dear Dylan,
Thanks for your reply.

Please find the code below.

basePath = 'sims.TNG/TNG100-1/output'
snap = [72,78,84,91,99]
subhalo_id = [1729364,2058358,11568,16384,17185]

for (i,j) in zip(snap,subhalo_id):
    gas = il.snapshot.loadSubhalo(basePath, i, j, 'gas', fields=None)
    subhalo = il.groupcat.loadSingle(basePath, i, subhaloID=j)

    if ('Coordinates' in gas.keys() ):
        header = il.groupcat.loadHeader(basePath,i)

        gas_pos =(gas['Coordinates'])
        sub_pos = subhalo['SubhaloPos']

        dx = gas_pos[:,0] -  sub_pos[0]
        dy = gas_pos[:,1] -  sub_pos[1]
        dz = gas_pos[:,2] -  sub_pos[2]

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[8,8])
        ax.set_xlabel('dx [ckpc/h]')
        ax.set_ylabel('dz [ckpc/h]')
        plt.title("Redshift=" + "{:.2f}".format(header['Redshift']))
        ax.plot(dx, dz, '.')

I expect the output for snaps 72,78,84,91 and 99. However, only get the plot for snap 99.

Screenshot from 2021-12-02 11-09-20.png


Dylan Nelson
  • 2 Dec '21

You need to create more than one plot in matplotlib. You could use subplots. If you aren't familiar with matplotlib, I would suggest a getting started tutorial.

Nikita Agarwal
  • 1
  • 2 Dec '21

Hi Dylan,
Thanks, I figured out the error.

The fields for gas.keys() in the above code for snaps [72,78,84,91,99] are as:

dict_keys(['count', 'CenterOfMass', 'Coordinates', 'Density', 'ElectronAbundance', 'EnergyDissipation', 'GFM_AGNRadiation', 'GFM_CoolingRate', 'GFM_Metallicity', 'GFM_Metals', 'GFM_MetalsTagged', 'GFM_WindDMVelDisp', 'GFM_WindHostHaloMass', 'InternalEnergy', 'InternalEnergyOld', 'Machnumber', 'MagneticField', 'MagneticFieldDivergence', 'Masses', 'NeutralHydrogenAbundance', 'ParticleIDs', 'Potential', 'StarFormationRate', 'SubfindDMDensity', 'SubfindDensity', 'SubfindHsml', 'SubfindVelDisp', 'Velocities'])
Dylan Nelson
  • 2 Dec '21

Hi Nikita,

That is also true. Perhaps best to check if the subhalo has any gas, e.g.

for (i,j) in zip(snap,subhalo_id):
    subhalo = il.groupcat.loadSingle(basePath, i, subhaloID=j)

    if subhalo['SubhaloLenType'][0] > 0:
        gas = il.snapshot.loadSubhalo(basePath, i, j, 'gas', fields=['Coordinates'])
        # plot

Note also you should always specify fields to be just the fields you actually need, this will speed up loading.

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