Angular momentum/spin of gas only

DErrick Carr
  • 5 Jul '21

I wanted to ask what would be the best way to get an angular momentum/spin of the gas? I see there is a SubhaloSpin, but calculating spin given the gas particle columns would be challenging as it seems I would have to calculate the distance from the center of the galaxy, a peculiar velocity, etc.

Dylan Nelson
  • 6 Jul '21

For the original Illustris we had a supplementary dataset "Halo/galaxy angular momentum and baryon content".

If these quantities would work for you, you could get in touch with Jolanta Zjupa and check if she has re-done this analysis for TNG (I believe so).

DErrick Carr
  • 6 Jul '21

Hey Dylan - I think that would be exactly what I need, but given the sizes of the snapshots and me wanting to look at the evolution of spin over multiple snapshots, the only real way (given storage constraints) I would probably be able to evaluate that is if it were on the JupyterLab Workspace. I'm guessing it wouldn't be added to that, right?

Dylan Nelson
  • 6 Jul '21

Supplementary datasets can be added to the Lab, if they exist, so I would suggest to ask Jolanta if these exist and/or if she would be willing to release them.

DErrick Carr
  • 6 Jul '21

Will do, thanks!

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