BH Mergers Supplementary Catalog

Kate Attard
  • 25 Sep '20


I'm using the supplementary data catalog 'Blackhole mergers' provided for TNG300-3 to look at the black hole merger trees with python, using the data specifications as a guide, but the way I understood how to use them does not seem to work.

I attempted using the index numbers in the tree dataset to find the next merger of a remnant, e.g. for index 15 the next merger is output as 33, however when I look at index 33 the two previous mergers indexes listed for the in and out BHs are -1 and 6, which is inconsistent with what was listed for 15. This issue was repeated across the tree for this simulation.
Is the way I understand how to access these data correct?

Thank you,

Luke Kelley
  • 28 Sep '20

Hi Kate, this is an error in the tree data file. I'm hoping to publish a fixed version by the beginning of next week. Until then you should be able to manually match the ID numbers from the mergers file. Very sorry for the trouble! Please let me know if you have any other issues.

Kate Attard
  • 8 Oct '20

Hi Luke,

Thanks for letting me know, will there be an update on the announcements post once it's fixed?

Thank you,

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