No Kernel in JupyterLab

David Wang
  • 7 Feb '20

Hi IllustrisTNG team,

I encounter a weird bug when I updated the numpy package. The python3 kernel is gone after the installation. Now, when I choose python3, it displays No kernel. The only command I run is conda install -c anaconda numpy. Do you have some suggestions? Thank you!

Dylan Nelson
  • 9 Feb '20

Hi David,

I'm not sure, do you really need this upgrade of numpy? If so, then you can try to re-install jupyterlab/the py3 kernel, following any instructions you find online.

Alternatively I can try to reset your environment back to its original state - if you'd like me to do this, please drop me an email.

David Wang
  • 9 Feb '20

Thank you! Let me try to reinstall it first and I will let you know if I need to reset the environment.

David Wang
  • 9 Feb '20

Thank you! Let me try to reinstall it first and I will let you know if I need to reset the environment.

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